Turn your want-to-read articles into rich audio summaries.
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Visits | 21232 | 2024-12-06 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Companysize | Company size 2-10 employees | 2024-11-29 |
Description | Recast helps you actually consume and enjoy the deluge of great thinkpieces, essays, and long form news that exist these days. It turns any text you care about into a short, news style explainer podcast using AI. Much more than a summary, our virtual hosts actually have a back-and-forth conversation, which makes all the difference. You can submit your own, or discover what other users have already recast. Get the app free at http://letsrecast.ai Save time reading news, blogs, and essays Lower screen-time Help me understand more deeply Actually get through my backlog Discover the most interesting stories | 2024-11-29 |
Employees | 1 | 2024-11-29 |
Followers | 2024-11-29 | |
Founded | 2024-11-29 | |
Headquarters | 2024-11-29 | |
Industry | Industry Technology, Information and Internet | 2024-11-29 |
Name | Recast | 2024-11-29 |
Website Url | https://letsrecast.ai | 2024-11-29 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Contact Email | null | 2024-12-06 |
Description | 2024-12-06 | |
letsrecast | 2024-10-11 | |
Title | Recast | 2024-12-06 |
widgets.js | 2024-10-11 |
Metric | Value | Fetched At |
Description | 2024-11-08 | |
Title | Recast | 2024-11-08 |
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